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  • Get Started
  • Overview
  • Implementations
  • Instances
  • Authentication
  • Pagination
  • Errors
  • Versions
  • API Reference
  • Subscriptions
  • Event
  • Unsubscribe
  • Health
  • ACES Listener API Docs

    The ACES Listener API Specification defines the API interface for blockchain listeners. SDKs are available in Java, Go, PHP, JavaScript, Python, and C#.

    The ACES Listener API provides a way for all the different blockchain transaction events to be easily consumed via a common REST-ful API. The API allows consumers to create subscriptions and receive blockchain events in real-time using Webhook callbacks.

    ACES Listener Figure


    curl '' \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
       "callbackUrl": "",
       "minConfirmations": 5
    ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
    AcesListenerApi api = new AcesListenerApi(apiClient);
    SubscriptionRequest request = new SubscriptionRequest();

    After subscribing, the ACES Listener will POST Bitcoin transaction data to the to

      "id": "93598235283502398502398",
      "createdAt": "2017-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "status": "new",
      "tries": 1,
      "data": {
        "hex": "01000000019a9aa57825106e72c92c0c771b88a9f7bbdd399d12e405e29757964f9a387ef0000000006b483045022100fdac2e51068717da7f564ae676d84f04aa6e5157b72c168301809518bc8e733902200b39ba9d0ee8cd0c5f0ed7a4d51ec2aaf5976252aeca6ffd5b9794076898c463012102892589b5b0e2751bd2500a71f06b2d851439678eb0e976be5b5a0cc8f3e49895ffffffff021caa3900000000001976a914ddaccd2403cfffad5936ca66c2c6a7c98146936888ac9b593001000000001976a91461752641b0bf1cecd08341224f83e690853abd0588ac00000000",
        "txid": "fdcd3564c09ddd33dafd9d1bd2f5dc583f8c818fff631397c7f6d0d12ecf17b4",
        "hash": "fdcd3564c09ddd33dafd9d1bd2f5dc583f8c818fff631397c7f6d0d12ecf17b4",
        "size": 226,
        "vsize": 226,

    Consumers must subscribe to an ACES Listener API instance to start receiving blockchain events from the ACES Listener.

    Once a consumer has been subscribed, the ACES Listener will start sending POST requests to the registered endpoint for every new blockchain transaction event.

    If the consumer fails to respond to the POST with a 200 response (for example if there is an error processing the event or the server times out), the ACES Listener will try to resend the request as configured by the ACES Listener.

    ACES Listener Sequence Diagram

    If the ACES Listener tries to post too many events to a consumer without success, the ACES Listener can cancel the subscription and stop sending events to the consumer.

    Consumers can also unsubscribe directly by sending a POST request to the Unsubscribe endpoint.

    Developers of ACES Listener APIs can view our sample ACES Listener Ark implementation.


    The ACES Listener API defines a standard protocol to facilitate the consumption of blockchain transaction events across numerous different blockchains. As such, it is a high level abstraction on top of the different transaction types across blockchains and needs to be implemented separately for each blockchain.

    The ACES Listener API specifies only the base necessary capabilities for consuming blockchain transaction events in a generic way that can be supported across many different blockchains. All implementations conforming to the ACES Listener API specification can be consumed using the common client libraries and processing logic, allowing different blockchains to be easily plugged into an application, including ACES Services.

    In the future we may add API Capability Interfaces that can define more advanced implementations for subscribing to and consuming blockchain events such as searching or filtering on event streams.


    Instances run on any web server and can be made private or public. Multiple instances may also run on a single web server using different HTTP ports. Because instances require direct access to the blockchain transaction data, they typically would need to be running as a blockchain node or make calls to the target blockchain using an RPC client (for example geth).

    We don't make any guarantees on how instances are managed, so consumers will need to host their own instances, subscribe to only trusted providers, or subscribe to multiple instances to ensure they receive up-to-date blockchain events in the case a provider goes down.


    The ACES Listener API does not define any authentication method at this time. This allows any consumer to subscribe to and receive listener blockchain event data. If an ACES Listener provider needs more security around subscriptions, they can host their instance on private network or implement HTTP Basic Auth for their web server and require consumers to send an Authorization header with valid credentials.


    Example request:

    curl -X GET "$url"  
    ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
    AcesListenerApi api = new AcesListenerApi(apiClient);
    SubscriptionPageRequest request = new SubscriptionPageRequest();
    Page<Subscription> subscriptionsPage = api.getSubscriptionsPage(request);

    Example response:

      "pageSize": "100",
      "page": "4",
      "continuation": "933502938509238509283059",
      "items": [
          "id": "1",
          "callbackUrl": "http://localhost/handler",
          "minConfirmations": 5,
          "createdAt": "2017-11-01T00:00:00.000Z"

    A GET request that returns a list of unbound items will be paginated in a way to return only a small number of items per page.

    Clients can request additional pages by performing additional GET requests to retrieve the next page.

    Page number is zero-offset such that the first page has page = 0.

    The page response contains a continuation property that can be added to GET requests for the next page to stabilize pagination offsets. Including the continuation parameter ensures that newly added items will not shift down items in the next page. This allows pages to be iterated over without encountering repeat elements as elements are added.


    ACES Listener API instances can return a set of standard HTTP errors classified by the response HTTP Status code.

    An request body validation error returns a 400 HTTP Status Code and an error response body with a detailed description of field validation errors. Consumers should correct the request before resubmitting the request.

    Any 5xx level errors can be retried without making changes to the request since they are returned when there is something wrong with the server and not the consumer's request.

    Status Codes

    ACES Listener API instances return errors responses with the following HTTP Status codes:

    HTTP Code Description
    400 The request was invalid. The consumer should read error messages and correct the request body before resending request.
    404 The requested resource was not found.
    405 The URL in the request does not support the requested HTTP method.
    429 Too many requests have been sent over a given time frame and the server has limited the consumer.
    500 The server had an unexpected error. Consumers should try the request again later.
    503 The server is running, but not currently accepting traffic. Consumers should try the request again later.

    General Errors

    Example error response:

      "code": "alreadyUnsubscribed",
      "message": "The Subscription has already been unsubscribed."

    Errors always return an error code and human readable error message. Consumers should handle any expected errors for an API call using the error code value.

    General Error Codes

    Code Description
    notFound The requested resource was not found.
    invalidRequest The request body is invalid. See Validation Errors below.

    Validation Errors

    Example error response:

      "code": "invalidRequest",
      "message": "Request is invalid.",
      "fieldErrors": [
          "field": "callbackUrl",
          "code": "invalidUrl",
          "message": "The url given is invalid."
          "field": "minConfirmations",
          "code": "required",
          "message": "Min confirmations is required."

    Validation errors have http status code = 400 and a response body error code = invalidRequest. Any field validation errors are returned in the fieldErrors list and include the field name corresponding to the request parameter, validation error code, and human-readable message for the field error.

    Field Error Codes

    Code Description
    required The field value is required.
    invalidUrl The given URL value is invalid.
    tooShort The field value given is too short.
    tooLong The field value given is too long.


    ACES Listeners instances can upgrade to new backwards compatible versions without breaking client integrations. ACES defines backwards compatible changes as any of the following:

    If breaking changes to the ACES Listener must be made, the provider needs to launch a new version in parallel at a different URL and have clients re-subscribe to the new version URL.

    API Reference


    The Subscribers endpoint allows subscriber to register their node to receive blockchain events from the ACES Listener.

    Create a Subscription

    Example create Subscription request:

    curl 'http://localhost/subscriptions' \
      -X POST \
      -d '{
        "callbackUrl": "",
        "minConfirmations": 5
    ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
    AcesListenerApi api = new AcesListenerApi(apiClient);
    SubscriptionRequest request = new SubscriptionRequest();
    Subscription subscription = api.createSubscription(request);

    Returned response:

      "id": "329857298735983",
      "createdAt": "2017-11-08T05:34:54.267Z",
      "status": "active"

    The request to create a new Subscription.


    Parameter Type Description
    callbackUrl string Target target URL to POST Listener events to.
    minConfirmations integer Confirmations required before event is sent to subscriber.

    HTTP Request

    POST http://localhost/subscriptions

    Get a Subscription

    Example get Subscription request:

    curl 'http://localhost/subscriptions/1c2ddeb7-cf74-478d-8f77-2f326b8c2db4'
    ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
    AcesListenerApi api = new AcesListenerApi(apiClient);
    Subscription subscription = api.getSubscription("1c2ddeb7-cf74-478d-8f77-2f326b8c2db4");

    Returned response:

      "id": "1c2ddeb7-cf74-478d-8f77-2f326b8c2db4",
      "callbackUrl": "",
      "minConfirmations": "5"

    Get a Subscription by identifier.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    id path string True Subscription identifier

    HTTP Request

    GET http://localhost/subscriptions/{id}


    List Subscription Events

    Example list Subscriptions request:

    curl 'http://localhost/subscriptions/1c2ddeb7-cf74-478d-8f77-2f326b8c2db4/events'
    ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
    AcesListenerApi api = new AcesListenerApi(apiClient);
    Page<Subscription> subscriptionsPage = 

    Returned response:

      "pageSize": "100",
      "page": "0",
      "continuation": "933502938509238509283059",
      "items": [
          "id": "329857298735983",
          "createdAt": "2017-11-08T05:34:54.267Z",
          "status": "delivered",
          "tries": "1",
          "data": {
              "hex": "01000000019a9aa57825106e72c92c0c771b88a9f7bbdd399d12e405e29757964f9a387ef0000000006b483045022100fdac2e51068717da7f564ae676d84f04aa6e5157b72c168301809518bc8e733902200b39ba9d0ee8cd0c5f0ed7a4d51ec2aaf5976252aeca6ffd5b9794076898c463012102892589b5b0e2751bd2500a71f06b2d851439678eb0e976be5b5a0cc8f3e49895ffffffff021caa3900000000001976a914ddaccd2403cfffad5936ca66c2c6a7c98146936888ac9b593001000000001976a91461752641b0bf1cecd08341224f83e690853abd0588ac00000000",
              "txid": "fdcd3564c09ddd33dafd9d1bd2f5dc583f8c818fff631397c7f6d0d12ecf17b4",
              "hash": "fdcd3564c09ddd33dafd9d1bd2f5dc583f8c818fff631397c7f6d0d12ecf17b4",
              "size": 226,
              "vsize": 226,

    Gets a page of Subscription Events.


    Parameter In Type Required Default Description
    name path string True Subscription identifier
    pageSize query integer 100 Number of items to return per page.
    page query integer Zero-offset page number to return.
    continuation query string Continuation param for fetching next page.

    HTTP Request

    GET http://localhost/subscriptions/{id}/events


    Create an Unsubscribe

    curl -X POST 'http://localhost/subscriptions/{id}/unsubscribes'
    ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
    AcesListenerApi api = new AcesListenerApi(apiClient);
    Unsubscribe unsubscribe = 

    Returned response:

      "id": "329857298735983",
      "created_at": "2017-11-08T05:34:54.267Z"

    Unsubscribes an active Subscription.


    Parameter In Type Required Description
    id path string True Subscription Identifier

    HTTP Request

    POST http://localhost/subscriptions/{id}/unsubscribes


    Get Health of node.

    Example get Health request:

    curl -X GET 'http://localhost/health'
    ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
    AcesListenerApi api = new AcesListenerApi(apiClient);
    Health health = api.getHealth();

    Returned response:

      "status": "up"

    Get application health information.

    HTTP Request

    GET http://localhost/health